VSTE Photo Walk

At VSTE in early December, Tim Stahmer organized a photowalk for those who were interested. In spite of the fact that it was ridiculously cold I couldn’t pass up this opportunity.


This photo was taken by Tom Woodward, who went along on the photowalk and documented us. He got some other non-us great shots because that’s just what he does. I like this picture, in spite of not liking how I look in it, because it is so noir. I could so easily be a private detective wandering the dirty streets, mulling over a challenging case.


These are only a few of the pictures I took on the walk, only my favorites. We started on an enclosed, pedestrian bridge which made for a slightly warmer, very bright start.


This hangs at the end of the pedestrian bridge, above the escalators there. We all took pictures of it and I’m sure there are better ones, but I liked this one.



On our walk we passed a store. I have no adjective to add to that noun. I have no idea how to describe this store. I took about a dozen pictures there because it was just so astounding. Most didn’t turn out the way I had hoped.


Another shot from that store, this one captured the beveled sides of the door that I tried to capture in others and failed. The best part of this one, at the time, was that I hadn’t noticed the huge head in the corner until I took this shot. That’s how insane this store was.


This picture was taken back at the hotel. If you look really closely you can see my reflection in the ball on the gift.




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