
Jennifer Orr teaches fourth graders in a suburban, public school in northern Virginia.
National Board Certified Teacher – middle childhood generalist, 2002, renewed 2012

We’re Gonna Keep on Talking: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversations in the Elementary Classroom, co-authored with Matthew R. Kay
Demystifying Discussion: How to Teach and Assess Academic Conversation Skills, K-5
Contributed to Larry Ferlazzo’s Education Week blog: Seeing Families as ‘Co-Creators’ of Our Schools
Your Classroom is Not Your iPhone for ASCD Express, January 2016
Raising Our Teacher Voices: A Call for a New Generation of Leadership, 2015
Making a Habit of “How Do You Know?” in ASCD’s Education Update, December 2013
A Picture is Worth 100 Math Ideas, coauthored with Jennifer Suh, in Teaching Children Mathematics, March 2013
For Teachinghistory.org: Recording Experiences with First Graders, Making Technology Work for Primary Students, Starts the Year, Teaching Failure, Teaching Thanksgiving, Questioning Columbus, Making History Books, Data Retrieval Charts, Teaching Heroes, and Primary Sources in Primary Classrooms

Awards and recognitions:
ASCD Emerging Leader, 2013
Winner of ISTE’s Kay L. Bitter Vision Award for Excellence in Technology-Based PK-2 Education, 2012

Podcasts and other recordings:
Participated in ASCD’s Whole Child Symposium on Teacher Leadership, Fall 2014
On ASCD’s Whole Child Podcast, Early Childhood Education: Balancing Expectations and What Young Learners Really Need2013

Conference Presentations:


One response to “About”

  1. steve barkley Avatar

    Jen, I read your recent blog on student talk and linked to your book. I’m writing to see if you would be interested in joining me on a podcast on this topic. You can find samples of my podcasts here. Happy to arrange a short chat to answer your questions, outline and schedule a recording. Thank you for considering.

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