Category: Uncategorized
Controlling Fear
When I was pregnant with my children I didn’t drink any alcohol (aside from one glass of bubbly at my husband’s PhD graduation luncheon). Intellectually I knew that a drink every once in a while wasn’t a concern, that the danger to the fetus comes from regular, heavy drinking, it didn’t matter. Knowing something intellectually […]
Other Recent Young Adult & Kids Reads
Over this break I read a few other young adult and kids books beyond the two read while I was in COVID quarantine. When I saw this tweet a few days ago, it made me think of these books (and so many more). I’m not sure how this one ended up on my list, but […]
Other Recent Adult Reads
Earlier in the fall, the theater department at my husband’s university performed Nickel and Dimed. I was familiar with the book so I was interested in seeing the show, but somehow I’d never read the book. It was one of those books that was highly talked about when it came out and that I can remember […]
Working Hard & Failing
Come Monday* I’ll be back in in the classroom with my 21 third graders (at the moment – there’ll be more soon, I’m sure, as I teach on a military post). I’ve got some plans for the week for what we’ll do in our reading workshop and our writing workshop and our math workshop. I’m […]
Young Adult & Kids Reads
Whether it is accurate or not, I view books written for adults as being more time consuming and requiring more of my brain power than books written for young adults and kids. So the books for adults that I read recently were mostly ones I had put on hold months ago and delayed, while the […]
Adult Reads
While being stuck in my bedroom for days, due to COVID, I got a lot of reading done. As noted previously, I had put a lot of books on hold during the summer and delayed them. Initially they were delayed until the end of September, then I pushed them back to the end of October, […]
It’s All Connected
In the past couple of weeks I have ready many books and it has been a gift to have the time to do so. Most of them were books I had put on hold at the library over the summer and delayed getting so I remembered very little about why I had wanted to read […]
When Positive Is Really Negative
I have so many thoughts and they’re something of a jumble in my brain. Nineteen years ago, on December 19th, I took a home pregnancy test and learned I was pregnant with our first child. My husband was skeptical. It was not until, the following day, our 5th wedding anniversary, when I when to the […]
The Main Thing
We spend a lot of time in education, and as educators, on how we can do a better job with instruction and teaching kids to read, write, do math, think, observe, analyze, etc. I firmly believe that matters. There are powerful ways to teach and less-than-positive ways to do it. (I mean, really, I wrote […]
The Signs are Clear
In case you don’t actually know me (waving hello!), I am a laid back person. I am an eternal optimist. I believe we can, and will, get through things. I know there will be rough times and bumps along the way, but I am always confident that we’ll come out just fine in the end. […]