Category: Educon
Educon Session on Privilege
This afternoon I was working on progress reports and found myself wondering how much each student’s gender and ethnicity played into the grades I was entering. How much were those factors impacting my perception of their growth in reading or math or science? Were boys in my class earning lower grades in organizational skills or […]
Educon – Teacher Rockstars
I don’t know what was said at the Sunday morning panel at Educon, but something prompted me to tweet: Jennifer Orr @jenorrJan 26 Is it reasonable to believe that every teacher will be as dedicated and passionate as those at #Educon? It would be lovely, but possible? After that I think I missed a lot of […]
Students Sharing
At some point at Educon, and unfortunately I can’t remember when, where, or who, someone said something about ‘sharing between students bandwidth.’ I made a quick note to myself asking, “What is the sharing between students bandwidth where I am?” I know that my most powerful learning comes out of conversation, be that in person, […]
Educon Overload
Educon was this past weekend and my head is still swimming. I could use a day or two, locked away on my own, to reflect and sort through all this thinking and questioning. As that won’t happen (somehow I’m expected to teach and parent and such no matter how full my brain is), I’m dedicating […]
How Educon Changed My Thinking
Back at school for a teacher workday this morning several folks have asked how Educon was. After a brief chat with one, she asked me, “How has your thinking changed?” I had to admit I couldn’t answer yet. I needed to carve out some reflection time. So, here goes. The first session I attended was […]
Educon 2.3
I’m giving an Encienda* presentation at lunch today at Educon. My message (that I hope comes through) is that we need the focus in education today to be on students, not on content. I realized this morning that it hits on one of the reasons I love coming to Educon. I’ve spent the last two […]
Educon 2.2 Reflections
As always I’ve gotten completely caught up in life and not taken time to reflect on the wonder that was Educon (it’s really pathetic because we’re on our fourth snow day in a row, so I have no good excuse). For me the overwhelming take-away from Educon was passion. The importance and value of that […]